Affiliate Members
CEI:AgER staff collaborate closely with a number of academic staff and researchers who are based at the UWA Crawley campus and other partner institutions.
A/Professor Marco Ghisalberti
Oceans Graduate School - UWA
A/Prof Ghisalberti is an environmental scientist specialising in environmental fluid mechanics. His area of focus is on flow, turbulence, transport and biophysical coupling in critically-important ecosystems.
A/Professor Marit Kragt
School of Agriculture & Environment - UWA
A/Prof Kragt is an agricultural economist who specialists in climate change mitigation in agriculture, mine site rehabilitation and post-mining land use, and adoption of novel, sustainable agricultural practices.
Dr David Merritt
Principal Research Scientist -
Kings Park Science
Dr Merritt is a seed scientist specialising in seed ecology, physiology, and technology. His work contributes to the conservation of wild plant species seeds, and enhances ecological restoration outcomes.
Professor Ajmal Mian
School of Physics, Maths & Computing - UWA
Ajmal Mian specialises in Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. He is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow 2022, and Vice-President of the Australian Pattern Recognition Society.
Phil Nichols
School of Agriculture & Environment - UWA
A/Prof Nichols is part of the Institute of Agriculture, and is interested in the translation of discoveries in plant physiology, pathology, entomology, and engineering into applied research outcomes that benefit farmers.
Professor Megan Ryan
School of Agriculture & Environment - UWA
Professor Ryan leads a large research team focusing on sustainable farming systems, and specialising in crop and pasture species nutrition, rhizosphere processes, and root morphology and physiology.
Professor Kadambot Siddique
Institute of Agriculture - UWA
Professor Siddique is the Chair and Director of the Institute of Agriculture. He has made outstanding contributions to agriculture in research, education and industry development.
Dr Dilusha Silva
School of Engineering - UWA
Dr Silva is part of the School of Electrical, Electronic, and Computer Engineering, and the Microelectronics Research Group.
Sally Thompson
School of Engineering - UWA
A/Prof Thompson is the leader of the Surface and Eco- Hydrology Research Group. She is interested in water cycling, the impacts of ecosystem changes on water, and the impacts of humans on natural systems.
Professor Phil Vercoe
School of Agriculture & Environment - UWA
Dr Vercoe is an animal scientist in the School of Agriculture & Environment. His research interests are in ruminant production systems and finding ways to balance productivity with biodiversity in extensive grazing systems.
Dr Ann Hamblin
Institute of Agriculture
Dr Hamblin is an environmental scientist affiliated with the Institute of Agriculture. She has expertise in range of areas including soil science, agriculture, pastures, and grasslands.
Mr Brad Wintle
School of Agriculture & Environment - UWA
Mr Wintle is a Senior Research Officer for the School of Agriculture & Environment and the Institute of Agriculture. His main research and technical expertise is in pasture legume breeding, agronomy, and ecology of pasture legumes.