Shenton Park Field Station Open Day 2024
This September was the Shenton Park Field Station Open Day! It was a beautiful sunny day of research presentations, Q&A, and walkarounds to introduce visitors to our facility.
Spotlight on Dr Todd Erickson, Ecological Restoration Theme Leader at CEI: AgER
In this article we take the opportunity to highlight Dr Erickson’s work in ecological restoration, and his unique ties with industry, research, and goverment entities.
Delegates from Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, visit CEI:AgER
CEI:AgER welcomes visitors all the way from Brazil. Professors from the Federal University of Viçosa stopped by the Centre to learn more about our agricultural engineering research projects.
Planfarm Visit
This week the Centre welcomed visitors from Planfarm for a tour of the facility and to hear more about the latest research and inventions happening at the Shenton Park Field Station
Visit from Kimberley Rangers
The Centre had the pleasure of showing our facilities, and explaining current projects to a group of rangers visiting from the Kimberley
UWA Open Day 2024
UWA Open Day was held on Sunday 17th March. Did you see the representatives of CEI:AgER there?
evokeAg 2024
It was all agritech and agrifood this week as the CEI: AgER team presented a stall at the world class Agrifutures evokeAg event. Read more to find out what the team were up to during the week of evokeAg.
CEI:AgER researcher awarded professorship at Charles Sturt University
CEI:AgER Agricultural Theme Lead Michael Walsh has been offered a highly deserved role as Professor of Plant Sciences at Charles Sturt University.
Dr Wesley Moss: PhD and Fulbright Scholar
Wesley recently returned from 10 months abroad in the USA and shares his experiences of completing a Fulbright Scholarship.
US Weed Scientists Visit CEI:AgER
Eli Russell and Sarah Chu from Virginia Tech and Texas A&M visited the Centre to observe and experience Harvest Weed Seed Control in action.
Visitors from Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu
The Centre hosted the delegation which visited UWA from India, for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding agreement between the two universities.
Caleb McKenna Rhodes Scholar and CEI:AgER Student
A previous honours student of the Centre was awarded the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship for 2024.
The Hon. Minister Whitby visits CEI:AgER
The Honourable Reece Whitby, Minister for Energy, visited the Centre this month for a tour of the facilities and to learn more about the ongoing restoration projects.
CEI:AgER Director wins UWA School of Engineering Research Award
The team congratulates Director A/Prof Andrew Guzzomi, who was awarded the Mid-Career Research Award from the UWA School of Engineering.
2023 Australian Precision Agriculture Symposium
A/ Prof Andrew Guzzomi and Prof Michael Walsh were invited to speak at the 2023 Australian Precision Agriculture Symposium.
Argentinian Machinery Industry Trade Mission to Australia 2023
Delegates from the Argentinian Machinery Industry Trade Mission to Australia 2023 visited CEI:AgER in August 2023.
Australian Grassland Association Symposium
PhD candidate Ruby Wiese shared her research with delegates at the 2023 Australian Grassland Association Symposium.
CEI:AgER PhD Candidate awarded AW Howard Research Fellowship
Ruby Wiese becomes the second CEI:AgER PhD candidate to receive an AW Howard Memorial Trust Research Fellowship.
CEI:AgER Staff Win Teaching Awards
CEI:AgER is proud to congratulate Dr Wesley Moss and Ms Hannah Demerise on their receipt of UWA School of Engineering Teaching Awards.
UWA Open Day 2023
UWA Open Day is always a fun day for the Centre to speak with new students about exciting career options in engineering