Visitors from Nagoya University, Japan
In March 2023, CEI:AgER welcomed guests from Nagoya University in Japan. Six students and two professors from Nagoya University, as well as one student from Gifu University, visited the University of Western Australia to learn about our capabilities and facilities and gain an idea of what a joint PhD in agriculture would look like.
UWA and Nagoya University commenced their joint PhD program in agriculture and related studies in 2020.
The guests from Nagoya were given a tour of the CEI:AgER facilities, shown machinery under development, and learnt about the Centre’s current projects.
CEI:AgER personnel with visitors from Nagoya University, Japan, outside CEI:AgER facilities.
One of CEI:AgER’s current PhD candidates, Ruby Wiese, was also offered the opportunity to visit Nagoya University, Japan, to learn about their research facilities and agricultural systems in Japan. Ruby attended a study tour on food security in Japan from the 12th to 19th March 2023 with the same 7 Japanese students and 3 other students from UWA. Between university lab tours, farm and flour mill visits, and presentations from researchers, the tour gave valuable insight into agricultural research in Japan and the importance of the connection between Australia’s agricultural industry and Japan’s.
Students from UWA, Nagoya University and Gifu University with professors from Nagoya University visiting a farm in Nishio.