PhD Opportunity:
Which novel weed control technologies are most suited for use in Australian grain production systems?


A range of alternative weed control options are needed to diversify and sustain weed management programs as well as to mitigate/prevent the evolution of resistance to weed control tactics (chemical and non-chemical). Preliminary evaluations and reviews have identified a range of techniques that are suitable for use as site-specific weed control treatments in grain production systems.  These include lasers, electrical weeding, waterjet cutting, directed energy (blue light + mid-wave infrared radiation) and inter-row mowing. To develop commercial interest in these technologies the weed control capability in the Australian grains context needs to be clearly identified. Technology specific research and development will be undertaken to identify weed control efficacy, appropriate delivery timing/s and suitability for use in grain production systems. 


Project Lead
Professor Michael Walsh

Preferred candidate experience, skills and knowledge

  • Understanding of the principles involved in the design and conduct of glasshouse studies. 

  • Expertise in data collection, analysis and interpretation.

  • An understanding of Australian grain production systems and weed control needs

Campus location and place of work

Wagga Wagga campus, glasshouses, field areas and agronomy lab

University of Western Australia, Centre for Engineering Innovation

Texas A&M for lab studies on Directed Energy system

Project Start Date

Expressions of Interest
Please direct enquiries to Professor Michael Walsh
